Welcome to the dog days of summer, where it’s hot, sweaty and you start thinking about riding around in circles in grass. Cyclocross is a great way to recharge from the summer road season, with regular midweek short races, and longer, accessible weekend races. My suggestion is for everyone to come out to a Wednesday Night Race and see what it’s all about. You don’t need to race the first time - just take in the absurdity of 200 people of all ages and ability levels riding around in circles in grass! 

Club Updates:

  1. Thursday hill road rides go until the snow flies. 

  2. Interested in cross but don’t know where to start? Join the #cross-is-coming slack channel here: https://edmontonroada-7u36621.slack.com/archives/C03TPTGKZT4 for all updates and ask all of your CX related questions there!

  3. Weekend rides will go as long as there is interest, however many of our ride leaders prefer riding cross. Not interested in cross but interested in continuing to ride on the weekends? Be a ride leader! Let me know if you are interested, as there are definitely people who prefer the smoothness of pavement to grass! 

  4. Tuesdays will be switching over to cross based intervals and skills run in conjunction with YEGCross. YEGCross is an interclub initiative led by Robin Baillie - you can find more information here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1635190320143436 - The first YEGCross interval workout will be held at Kinsmen Park at 6pm. Come with at least 20 minutes of warm up before 6:00. We will be working on holding skill-based sessions in the coming weeks.

  5. Wednesday night cross will be starting August 24, pending permits. I’ll throw up links as they become available. 

  6. Friendly reminder to join slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-r9cz31ub-0OIcKY_Ow33BJCw_yyAQCg

  7. Friendly reminder to join strava for all ride updates: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc