Hey folks! Late one tonight cause we were busy getting some documents ready! (But still technically Monday!)
We’ve been closely monitoring how rides are going and with your feedback have made some tweaks to paces and ride descriptions and paces. You can check out the new pace descriptions and ride descriptions here https://www.ertc.org/rps and here. https://www.ertc.org/weekly-rides
These new pace descriptions should provide overlapping ride coverage to our membership and help ensure that there is a ride that has your name on it. Of particular importance is that our rides depend heavily on knowing how to draft, especially for the longer or faster paced ones. Learning this skill is critical to not just surviving, but thriving during one of our longer rides. Our Lite rides, Interval rides, and Skill sessions are perfect opportunities to practise this skill to take your cycling further and we invite everyone to come out to these rides, especially if you find yourself struggling on a longer ride despite meeting the “on your own” minimum speed.
We encourage everyone to take a look at the new paces and descriptions and maybe try a new ride you haven’t before!
We’ve also revised our environmental policies to be more clear on when rides are cancelled or modified. Take a read of them at the links above.
Thank you for coming out to Hard Miles at the Metro and making it a great night!
Interval Tuesdays are back! Check out more details on strava! If you want to get your fitness up to the next level, this is the best way to do it (yes, even better than hills ;) They take place on a circuit and thus everyone can participate regardless of skill or fitness.
Rides outside of the city above 30C will have their route modified to have a water stop with shade once every hour. Rides within the city we encourage you to leave the ride as needed to find shade or water.
Interested in racing midweeks? Check out https://www.emrcracing.com/ and https://www.karelo.com/register.php?BID=534&BT=10&Ev=21665 to sign up. All Try-Racing Members get entry for free.
Masters Nationals in Victoria and Ride the Range Gravel Race down in Claresholm. Learn more here: https://www.albertabicycle.ab.ca/aba-home
Official Rides are posted on strava. If you haven’t requested to join, please do so here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 if you’ve applied and haven’t heard back, e-mail me, but first, make sure your strava name matches your registration name.
Day to day communication and general chatter is via slack. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA - this is where you can get real time updates about unofficial rides, talk bikes with club members, and sell your stuff to other club members! If you identify as female and would like to be included in the WoERTC communications and event announcements, please message Heather Curtis on Slack to be added to the private WoERTC channel.
The membership cards are here! If you have been attending rides you may have already gotten one, but if you haven’t they will be carried by all the ride leaders so if it is your first ride, just ask, they will probably have some on them! We will not be mailing these out to you, so the only way to get one is to show up on a ride. Remember to fill out the emergency contact portion of the card. While club leadership has access to your emergency contact information, having it on your person allows anyone else to call someone you trust without contacting us first. This membership card also serves as your proof of membership when getting your discount at the physical location for Hardcore Bikes and Healthcare Solutions. The QR code will lead you to the private site where you can find the discount code for online shopping at 7 Summit Snacks, Healthcare Solutions, and when booking online at Flexion.