If you are any volunteer, but especially a vehicle, if you see an accident, you will immediately go to the scene of the accident if it is safe to do so. Please use the map attached with the corner descriptions and highway intersections. Remember, 911 will not know which corners you are at if you use Corner #1, #2, etc. Better yet, use your cellphone GPS application.

If someone cannot move under their own power and/or are unresponsive: you will immediately call 911. You will then call the on-site ambulance (780-893-0103) and provide them with your location so that they may stabilise while the ambulance shows up. You will then call me (780-224-1180) to let me know what has happened. I will either make sure the sweep vehicle can come grab their bike or I will come grab their bike. 

If someone can move under their own power and are responsive: you may ask the rider(s) if they wish to continue (assuming no mechanical issues) or wait for assistance. If they wish to continue they may not tell you and just ride off. If they wish to continue, call me (780-224-1180) to let me know there was an incident and the rider(s) involved have chosen to continue. If they wish to wait for assistance, you will call the on-site ambulance (xxx-xxx-xxxx) and provide them with your location so that they may assess. They may recommend calling 911 for transport to a hospital or transport back to the community hall. You will then call me (780-224-1180) to let me know what has happened. I will either transport them + bike or ensure that the sweep can transport them + bike. 

Volunteer Descriptions

Food Pickup (BBQ)- You’ll be picking up the burgers, hot dogs, buns, salad, etc. and fixings for our BBQ. You’ll need some freezer space or some coolers to carry it but we are expecting to feed around 150 people. It would might actually be easiest if you did the shopping the morning of, and came down to the race site immediately and you don’t have to refrigerate. We would need you on site for about 10:30am at the latest, which gives you about 30 minutes to shop and 60 minutes to drive out. I’ll get a list for you ready so you don’t have to worry about figuring it out.

Food Pickup (Racer Snacks) - You will be going to Costco to pick-up snacks and drinks. Spend about $3 per person, and make sure you get cookies, granola bars, water, carbonated water (Bubly), soft drinks, chips, etc. Please be at the hall by 8:00am with the snacks. Please send me an email with all your expenses and an e-transfer email. You are able to participate.

Breakfast Pickup - Please pick up some breakfast for everyone who will be there early. It can be from anywhere but Tim Hortons and Starbucks come to mind. Pick up a a jug of coffee, maybe 10 breakfast sandwiches of some sort, and a dozen donuts. Please be at the hall by 8:15am with breakfast. Please send me an email with all your expenses and an e-transfer email. You are able to race AM or PM.

BBQ Attendant - You’ll be doing some grillin’ - bring an apron if you like the outfit you’ll be wearing. You’ll be cooking a lot of burgers and hot dogs.

Trailer Pickup from Velodrome (needs hitch) - if you have some towing experience, we will need the race supplies picked up from the Velodrome during the week previous and delivered to the course morning of the race. You are able to participate.

Course Setup (put out signs) - putting out signs for bike race in progress and corner signs on course. You will need a vehicle or hop in with someone who does so you can drive around the course. The map of the course is in the Tech Guide, but basically you want signs on the 2 legs of the 4 way intersection that will not be part of the race. Please be at the hall at 7:15AM. You can race AM or PM.

Finish line Setup - assist officials at the finish line in setting up the tent. Please be at the hall at 7:15AM. You can race AM or PM.

Commissaire Vehicles - you will drive the officials around the course, following the groups, so that officials may observe the race and enforce the rules. You will be told how close to follow and when to pass. Your primary focus is ensuring accurate officiation but if there is an accident you may pull over to help. You cannot race in the PM or you are in car in the AM, and vice versa. Please be at the hall at 11AM with enough gas to drive up to 150km. You will receive compensation for mileage.

Wheel Vehicles - you will drive the follow vehicle with wheels in it to assist any racers who have mechanicals. You will also help sweep the course, calling in any incidents to the paramedics directly. You will receive compensation for mileage. Please be at the hall at 11AM with enough gas to drive up to 150km.

Sweep Vehicle - You will be following the group that is expected to finish last and be carrying one of the paramedics. You will be driving around the course, looking for accidents and riders who need a ride back. If you encounter someone who needs a ride back, call me (780-224-1180) and if I should be able to get to them if it’s just a mechanical. Please be at the hall at 8:00AM if you are the first shift, or 11:00 AM for the second shift. You will receive compensation for mileage. Second shift will also be getting food and supplies out to the folks at the corners.


Be at the hall at 7:30AM at the latest for a briefing and to pick up your safety vest and sign and be at your corner at 8:30.

  • You will need to drive to your corner and park in the shoulder, or catch a ride out. Do not park on course.  Remember to check the map for your corner. At your corner you will have signs you will need to put out. Put them away from the intersection (~100m or so) where drivers who are not already on course can see it and have time to slow down. Review the map at the end of the document for corners and where to put signs out. If you are the second shift it would help us a lot if you grabbed the signs that were put up at your corner earlier.

  • You will be helping slow down cross traffic coming onto the course. You will have a safety vest and stop paddle and you may use them as you see fit. Be firm but polite in letting people know there is a race going on. You don’t have the power to legally stop traffic, only to suggest they stop. Do not make a fuss if they wish to ignore your instructions. In the past we have never had anyone ignore a polite request to stop for 30 seconds as the peloton makes the corner.

  • When you are complete, take the signs back with you. You are done when the sweep car passes you for the last time.

  • If you are needing a break, then call in, and let someone know so we can send someone to your corner to make sure it is covered while you do. The sweep car will also ensure you have water and food. Before making it out to your corner stock up on snacks and food at the hall if you can.

Course Tear Down - Be ready to start tearing down at 3pm. List of things that need to be done:

  1. Tear down finish line

  2. Take remaining signs off course

  3. Drive Corner Marshalls back from their corner if they did not drive out

  4. Final sweep of course to look for garbage, waterbottles, signs that people missed

  5. Clean hall

  6. Make sure all leftovers have a home

Trailer Dropoff to Velodrome (needs hitch) - if you have some towing experience, we will need the race supplies dropped off at the Velodrome during the week after and delivered to the course morning of the race. You can race AM or PM.