It’s a late one tonight! Lots of fresh, hot updates for y’all so let’s go!

Club Updates:

  1. Our 2019 Learn 2 Ride (L2R) sessions kick off this Wednesday, May 8th. Check out our website for more information on dates, times, locations, agenda, etc. Few quick highlights/reminders:

    • If you can't make any/all of the sessions, here's a summary of the information we're going to go over. If you're new to the club and can't make it, we recommend you attend another Wednesday Social Ride or a Women's Monday ride (for the ladies), so that we can ensure that you're ready to join in on a full club ride.

    • We encourage EVERYONE to attend:

      • New to riding/< 2 years group riding experience - there's lots to learn and practice!

      • Been group riding for a bit more than 2 years - there's still lots to learn and practice. Let's be real, we've all been on club rides where the 'experienced members' act like newbies.

      • Been riding for a LONG time? Great - come support the new riders so that they have every opportunity to be as great of a rider as you are!

    • Velofix will be on hand May 15 & 22, starting at 5:30pm, to assist any club members with bike maintenance questions/issues. Shawn will be able to help you with minor repairs, offer advice/guidance, or schedule you for a specific time to stop by your place for larger jobs.

  2. Our social event is no longer indeterminate! Check out what our Social Event Coordinator has to say:

*(Look at all those exclamation points! How can you not be convinced!)

**(No commitment necessary you may cancel any time.)

***You can totally bring a guest (Significant other, partner, person you’re trying to woo, someone you’re trying to convince to join the club…) for no extra cost.

Ride Updates:

  1. Tuesday Critervals start this week - Workout and intervals led by Category 2 racer Jakob Claffey. Workout will be between 7 to 8PM, however we recommend arriving 30 minutes early or riding from home to get a warm up in. The objective of this ride is to improve your high speed cornering and improve your short duration speed. This ride is open to everyone and is recommended for those looking for a workout. Current fitness does not matter as this takes place on a circuit and you will not be left behind. If you are driving directly to the Research park (as Jakob will be) please park in the parking lot alongside the southside of the shown route. See strava link here: