3 updates in a week?! As per the phase 2 re-opening strategy we are allowed to have group rides again. First one up is this Saturday.
A quick overview of the rules as they apply to us (however, further clarification is forthcoming)
There is no physical distancing requirement while you are taking part in the sport.
There is no limit on active participants in sport.
There is a limit of 20 for all social / outdoor gatherings provided you are physically distanced. This does include people not actively participating in sport.
Masks/PPE should be worn if you need to be within 2m of someone else while not in sport (helping with their bike, administering first aid, etc.)
People with symptoms must be screened.
So what does this mean for ERTC group rides? In the interest of a slow start and to help people ease back into a post-COVID(hopefully) world, we will be conservative with our re-launch. For now, our group rides will look like this:
We have changed our meeting location from cafes and other hotspots to parking lots with more room.
We will ride with a maximum of 20 people in a group so that we will always be below point #3 above.
You will be required to have a mask on you at all times in case you need to use it.
We will continue to ask screening questions at the beginning of all rides.
The ride itself will be normal, with 2-up riding where permitted just like before.
As usual, you can see all of currently scheduled rides on strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845
Remember to sign up for slack! https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-r9cz31ub-0OIcKY_Ow33BJCw_yyAQCg