Hello all!

With the recent lifting of the restrictions, we are back open for limited rides. Based on the current restrictions, we are able to hold a couple of rides coming up.

  1. Thursday hills are back on!!! -  with a forwards and reverse option based on that is best for you to ride to. Check out both rides here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc it is important to note that there is no speed or skill requirement and all are welcome as long as you sign up. This is a no drop ride. Remember to RSVP, and there is a maximum of 10 people per ride, so it there are more than 10, please sign up for another one (or message me and we might be able to get a 3rd ride going based on demand)

  2. Organized by Amanda Scott, we will be fulfilling the “T” in ERTC by hosting a beginners track night at the Argyll Velodrome on Monday, June 7! You do not need anything other than a helmet to participate as there are additional bikes there, but you should bring your favourite pedals and shoes to swap them onto the track bikes available (free of charge) and a saddle you prefer. The event time is 6pm to 8m, but please show up earlier if you want to swap out anything. There is no cost for this, so please come if you are interested in trying the track at all, and all skill levels are welcome, and I will see you there!

  3. Weather dependent, we will be launching our ERTC Riding Skill Sessions, Tuesday June 8, starting at 6:30pm. All other details will be the same, so please refer to previous communications. 

  4. Remember to register for our slack as we continue to try to depreciate Facebook, at https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-pwn9mg5v-lPDYjxdcge7zQ0ws3C85SQ in order to get the latest updates and banter with your fellow clubmates!