Hey everyone! 

Update’s a little early this week as we wanted to make sure people had a bit of time to sort out their Monday as we would like to extend everyone an invite to our Intro to Track Session tomorrow evening (July 4th) from 5-7PM. A lot of you have expressed interest in the track and this is your chance to give it a try. The bike is provided. You need to bring shoes, pedals, gloves and a helmet (of course). We will be assuming you have no previous track experience, and starting you from zero. If you do, please come out anyway as we will be also working on paceline practice. Can’t make the time? It’s a bit early? We are there until 7pm. While not ideal, you can come late and we will get you on the track. I will be there to sort you out! RSVP Link is up on strava https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845/group_events/1201924

Club Updates: 

  1. Amanda Scott is collecting survey responses regarding Velodrome usage: please fill it out if you are interested or have been to the track at all this year. Your feedback is important to us(woo cliche) but it really is and we want to make our track program a success! https://forms.gle/JCn1AsEaNTU33unJ9

  2. August 7 - Our Pigeon Lake Road Race has been postponed to August 7. Sign-up to volunteer here. https://volunteersignup.org/BDHAD

  3. August 14 - For those interested in the L’Etape Edmonton , ERTC has a discount code available. It is “ERTC20” We should have a pretty good showing so come join us as we show off how great ERTC is to everyone! https://www.letapecanada.com/?utm_campaign=ee1&utm_id=ee&utm_medium=webpage&utm_source=eewebsite

  4. Friendly reminder to join slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-r9cz31ub-0OIcKY_Ow33BJCw_yyAQCg

  5. Friendly reminder to join strava for all ride updates: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc

Ride Updates:

  1. Hills this past week had a lot of people, so this is yet another reminder to RSVP so we know how many people are showing up. Make sure that if it is convenient for you, please come to the reverse ride instead of forwards.