Rain Rain go away :(

This week I come to you asking for some help - I need some help running the Pigeon Lake Road Race this year and without 2 people signing on, I think I am going to have to cancel it. It takes place on June 29 this year (Canada Day Long Weekend).

I need: A volunteer coordinator - you will be responsible for making sure we have volunteers and that they know what to do. I have all the documentation already written up for what to do, so you will just be making sure volunteers know it and such. I can help you out with this.

A submission/logistics coordinator - you will be responsible for the permits and general logistics. I can help you out with this as well. I have all the forms and contacts but you will need to actually submit and follow up accordingly. You’ll also work with the volunteer coordinator. 

Neither of these positions require you to be present on race day, although it would be smoother if you were. I can take care of all race day duties and any handoff. I have previously run these races alone but with our club growing, I will need more help.  Email or DM me if you are interested.


  • If you are attending the Skill Sessions - they will happen as long as it isn’t raining. This does mean that if it is cooler, make sure you dress for some standing around. For the temperatures we anticipate tomorrow, I would suggest at least a thermal layer as well as a windbreaker. Better to be too warm than too cold.

  • The clothing float order is finally in! New to the club this year and want new kit NOW? Check out our webstore at https://www.ertc.org/teamkit - all items ordered this way are available for immediate pick-up. You will be contacted upon completion to coordinate a time for you to pick it up.

    If the webstore does not have the size or items you need, you will need to order from the Rogelli online shop here: https://www.rogellicanada.com/ertc - orders placed this way will ship directly to your home and have a time delay as items ordered this way haven’t been made yet. The cut off times and estimated delivery dates are listed on the website, however we have very little control over the delivery date. The cutoff date for the current order is May 30. You can join the #clothing channel on slack to receive more frequent clothing updates and ask any questions you have about materials, quality and fit, or to arrange a try-on session. 

  • We have another exciting event announcement just for WoERTC! Yoga in the Park! Come join the Women of ERTC on May 24 at Ezio Faraone Park for a relaxing evening of yoga with stretches/poses geared towards cyclists. Note: this event is only open to those who identify as female. RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/woertc-yoga-in-the-park-tickets-866886961237


  • Gravel Ride Interest - interested in gravel rides? Fill out the Poll here: https://forms.gle/n6pivgYdN7DcKMM79 

  • ERTC Track Fridays Continue with another session this Friday. It is a shortened session due to the weekend’s racing. 



  • Official Rides are posted on strava. If you haven’t requested to join, please do so here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 if you’ve applied and haven’t heard back, e-mail me, but first, make sure your strava name matches your registration name. 

  • Day to day communication and general chatter is via slack. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA - this is where you can get real time updates about unofficial rides, talk bikes with club members, and sell your stuff to other club members! If you identify as female and would like to be included in the WoERTC communications and event announcements, please message Heather Curtis on Slack to be added to the private WoERTC channel.

  • The membership cards are here! If you have been attending rides you may have already gotten one, but if you haven’t they will be carried by all the ride leaders so if it is your first ride, just ask, they will probably have some on them! We will not be mailing these out to you, so the only way to get one is to show up on a ride. Remember to fill out the emergency contact portion of the card. While club leadership has access to your emergency contact information, having it on your person allows anyone else to call someone you trust without contacting us first. This membership card also serves as your proof of membership when getting your discount at the physical location for Hardcore Bikes and Healthcare Solutions. The QR code will lead you to the private site where you can find the discount code for online shopping at 7 Summit Snacks Healthcare Solutions, and when booking online at Flexion.