Hey everyone! Another busy week for ERTC! 

Friday’s social was a stunning success, with lots of old and new faces showing up and having a great time, and learning more about the club and our sponsors. Shoutout to our Women’s Cycling Manager, Heather Curtis, for the idea and getting the ball rolling on that! A note from Heather: Thank you to everyone who came out to our season kick-off event this past Friday at Arcadia! It was amazing to see such a great turnout with over 70 people. Stay tuned for details on future social events.

Some items I wanted to note about our skill sessions that I have been meaning to get out:

  1. The learn to group ride sessions are NOT mandatory for those new to ERTC to join us on other rides, however we highly recommend all riders of all skill levels to show up. There are multiple streams so everyone can get something out of this. Learn more here: https://www.ertc.org/skills and RSVP on our strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845

  2. You do not need to attend all of the sessions. Attend as many as you like, you will get out as much as you put in! 

  3. If you are new to the club, we highly recommend you come out to a WoERTC Monday, Tuesday (Skills or Intervals), or Thursday Hills prior to coming to a weekend group ride, regardless of your previous riding experience, however this is not mandatory. This is mostly to ensure that you know how we do our hand signals and how we ride in town, as well as to figure out your relative fitness levels and ask any questions before you commit to a 100km ride on the weekend with people you’ve never met before. Barring this, coming out to a Lite ride is also available as these rides will have more of a learning environment, while Tempo/Shootout/Race Pace rides discussions on the rules will be light (however everyone is still happy to answer questions).  

  4. The skill sessions will be a fair bit of standing around, so dress for that, however the rain policy still applies. Based on the forecast tomorrow, I am not confident it will go ahead, however the forecast may change. Remember to RSVP on strava in order to get any notifications about cancellations pushed to your phone. 

  5. They are open to everyone, so invite your cycling-interested friends! $75 for 4 weeks. All of it can be applied to credit for a full membership. Check the link above. 


  • We have another exciting event announcement just for WoERTC! Yoga in the Park! Come join the Women of ERTC on May 24 at Ezio Faraone Park for a relaxing evening of yoga with stretches/poses geared towards cyclists.

    Note: this event is only open to those who identify as female

    RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/woertc-yoga-in-the-park-tickets-866886961237

    Free ticket code: WOMENLOVEBIKES24

  • To access your ERTC discount at physical locations, you will be required to present your new membership cards. The card will also have a QR code to a private page where you can access coupon codes for online purchases. We are working on getting these printed so stay tuned for those. You can get these cards by attending any ERTC rides and there will be a limit of 1 per member (unless you lose yours), and are non-transferable.  These cards also serve as a way for us to quickly access your emergency contact information. These cards should(™) be available starting this week. 

  • Our clothing website is always open and now includes the 40th anniversary jerseys- you can order at https://www.ertc.org/teamkit All clothing ordered via our webstore is available for immediate pickup! Don’t see your size? We are expecting a restock soon(™). We keep in stock common items such as jerseys and shorts XS to XL sizes. 

    If your size isn’t in stock, or you want to order something special, the Rogelli direct clothing store is now active and the deadline has been extended to May 30. Items ordered this way will ship directly to your home and arrive in August. Check that out here: https://www.rogellicanada.com/ertc 



  • Ride cancellations will happen via strava, and if we can get to it, slack. Regular rides are cancelled if any one of these triggers happen:

    • It is currently precipitating at time of start

    • There is active lightning at time of start (thunder in the distance doesn’t count as long as it isn’t raining) 

    • If the AQHI is 7 or over at time of start 

    • If the AQI via IQAIR is over 150 at time of start 

    • or if there has been a Special Air Quality Advisory issued by Environment Canada at time of start 

  • Your ride leader may choose to cancel in advance of any of these being triggered. 

  • Our first track night is May 10th. It’ll be posted on strava. 


  • Official Rides are posted on strava. If you haven’t requested to join, please do so here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 if you’ve applied and haven’t heard back, please re-request we had to purge all requests recently. Make sure your strava name matches your registration name for faster approval. 

  • Day to day communication and general chatter is via slack. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA - this is where you can get real time updates about unofficial rides, talk bikes with club members, and sell your stuff to other club members! If you identify as female and would like to be included in the WoERTC communications and event announcements, please message Heather Curtis on Slack to be added to the private WoERTC channel.