Hey everyone!

This week we wanted to highlight our no-drop policy which can be read here: https://www.ertc.org/rps Our rides are all no-drop (with the exception of Shootouts) which means that while the entire group may or may not wait for you, you will not be left alone.

For mechanical issues, it is highly recommended that you come prepared to fix minor mechanical issues (most notably, flat tires) by yourself. Should you encounter a mechanical issue, you can shout “mechanical issue” or “I have a flat” any time, and the ride leader will find the next safe place to stop. You, of course, will probably need to stop sooner than the next safest place to stop. Don’t worry - the ride leader will come back after leading the group to a safe spot.

The ride leader will make an assessment based on the severity of your mechanical issue, and either make the call to have volunteer(s) stay with you while the issue is fixed, and continue the ride, personally staying behind while the issue is fixed after having someone else lead the ride, or having the entire group wait, while the mechanical issue is dealt with.

We stress that self-sufficiency is the key, and making sure that you bring the tools and supplies to fix minor mechanical issues is important. Usually at a minimum: a tube (if you are riding tubed tires), a multi-tool, and an inflation method (minipump/battery pump/co2 head) and know how to use it. If you are unsure on how to do common field repairs, let me know and if we have interest we can run another clinic, based around field repairs.


  • August 17 - Tour de France Femmes viewing party and social ride. Come for a chill little loop through the river valley and then watch the end of the Stage 7 race and have a beer and some snacks! Promo code for free ticket: WOMENLOVEBIKES24 - RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tour-de-france-femmes-social-ride-viewing-party-tickets-956500106567

  • August 24: ERTC BBQ! More details to come.

  • September 8: Rapha Women’s 100! Join women from across the world to cycle 100k. Stay tuned for more info. Our ride will start/end at Ritchie Market (yay for post-ride treats).

  • Sept 13-15: WoERTC heads to the mountains! Specifically Canmore to do a longer ride through legacy trail and bow valley trail (which will be closed to cars). Message Heather Curtis by tonight if you would like to join :)


  • August 3: A special WoERTC focused Lite ride (but all are welcome)! A chance to practice drafting and pulling in a group and push yourself to faster speeds (avg 25-28km/h) to help bridge the gap between our rides and Lite rides. RSVP -> https://strava.app.link/C9EzsMNVuLb



  • Official Rides are posted on strava. If you haven’t requested to join, please do so here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 if you’ve applied and haven’t heard back, e-mail me, but first, make sure your strava name matches your registration name.

  • Day to day communication and general chatter is via slack. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA - this is where you can get real time updates about unofficial rides, talk bikes with club members, and sell your stuff to other club members! If you identify as female and would like to be included in the WoERTC communications and event announcements, please message Heather Curtis on Slack to be added to the private WoERTC channel.

  • The membership cards are here! If you have been attending rides you may have already gotten one, but if you haven’t they will be carried by all the ride leaders so if it is your first ride, just ask, they will probably have some on them! We will not be mailing these out to you, so the only way to get one is to show up on a ride. Remember to fill out the emergency contact portion of the card. While club leadership has access to your emergency contact information, having it on your person allows anyone else to call someone you trust without contacting us first. This membership card also serves as your proof of membership when getting your discount at the physical location for Hardcore Bikes and Healthcare Solutions. The QR code will lead you to the private site where you can find the discount code for online shopping at 7 Summit Snacks, Healthcare Solutions, and when booking online at
