Hey at least next week I won’t be begging for volunteers for Cross anymore right?

  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOLUNTEER FOR OUR CROSS RACE ON SEPTEMBER 22, I AM BEGGING YOU! You can sign up here: https://www.volunteersignup.org/TMHAA and if you aren't sure about any of the positions, you can read about them here: https://www.ertc.org/socvd - We still do not have enough positions filled to hold a race - currently we are still looking for morning course marshalls. All volunteers will get a free entry to the Croken Classic Gravel Race!

  • Our SECOND CX Skills Clinic is TOMORROW! A CX / Gravel bike is recommended to get the most out of these sessions, however you are welcome to just show up without one if you are interested in CX to see what it is about! Led by Sean and Quinn, this clinic will show you how to mount, dismount, and shoulder your bike, along with line choice and other things you need to try cross! RSVP Here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845/group_events/1767194


  • The Women of ERTC had an amazing mountain trip to Canmore this past weekend! The whole group cycled from Canmore to Johnson Canyon where half the group turned around to do a 100k ride and the rest adventured further to do a 165k ride to Lake Louise. Rain and mechanical issues didn’t stop the women from accomplishing these massive rides! Amazing job to everyone who came! We look forward to doing another mountain trip next year!

  • September 22: ERTC’s School of Cross is back! Volunteer here: https://www.volunteersignup.org/TMHAA

  • October 12: Our Croken Classic Gravel Race is back again this year and registration is now open! The event needs no introduction, but in case you wanted to learn more or register, do so here: https://www.ertc.org/crokenclassic volunteer here: volunteersignup.org/REBH4

  • The clothing restock is in! Missed the order deadline or new to the club? Check out our webstore to buy some kit! https://www.ertc.org/teamkit




  • Official Rides are posted on strava. If you haven’t requested to join, please do so here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 if you’ve applied and haven’t heard back, e-mail me, but first, make sure your strava name matches your registration name.

  • Day to day communication and general chatter is via slack. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA - this is where you can get real time updates about unofficial rides, talk bikes with club members, and sell your stuff to other club members! If you identify as female and would like to be included in the WoERTC communications and event announcements, please message Heather Curtis on Slack to be added to the private WoERTC channel. Please remember to use the “reply in thread” feature when using it!