Every booooooooody yeah, yeah yeah, rock your body yeah, yeeeah yeah, Update’s back, alright!
Club Updates:
The first edition of what we are hoping to be lots of gravel, ERTC is bringing to you regular (aiming for once a month) gravel rides taking place on Sundays. Starting locations will be varied, destinations interesting, and adventure will be guaranteed. The first one will be starting at Capilano Park (https://goo.gl/maps/3r1vrfacmwxb2oV2A) and go for 55km.
This edition will be led by Nina, a certified bike lover, coach, and an all around cool person. She’s also Co-Founder and partner at Good Goods (https://www.goodgoodsco.ca/). We’ve chosen to partner up with Good Goods as they represent many of the same values that we do, which include community betterment through collaborative efforts and collective success. .
Also in attendance will be Reach Physiotherapy (https://www.reachphysioyeg.com/) which will go over some best practices and exercises that can keep cyclists injury free. Remember to RSVP on strava!
If you are interested in water bottles, or Cat5gear Cyclist Gear Cases, you can check them out and pay for it at http://www.ertc.org/teamkit
We have moved our Pigeon Lake Road Race to August 7, 2022. We are looking for all volunteer positions to be filled. Link is here: https://volunteersignup.org/BDHAD if you are racing you are still able to volunteer before or after your race. Gas(if you are driving in the race), beer and swag if you volunteer!
Friendly reminder to join the strava here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/2845 and the slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-19lif1bmr-9WXDiPtbwzvGfJfiSt2vGQ these 2 methods are the ONLY way to ensure that you get up to the date information on ride and ride cancellations and the only official interclub communication between members.
If you are interested in racing and wanted to watch the seminar I hosted last week, check it out here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/BZQGV6LiJn8FatawdcUxjVsNwgNS68bUJhb7Rdo5flGTt9YPPhY-a6__ImjWITR7.pxLyGo2xupLVM4Ui?startTime=1652747043000
Passcode: tOH0x?^p
There is a bit of Q&A/banter at the end but the juicy stuff is about an hour long.
Ride Updates:
Strava is the best way to see all planned official rides. RSVP if you are interested, and to show others that there will be other people on the ride. By RSVPing you also will get notifications for cancellations or time/route alterations. If you don’t see a ride and want to hit people up for one, use slack. If enough people are interested, we can make it an official ride and throw it up on strava and insure it.
Our formal riding skills clinics are now over, as we transition over to regular Tuesday programming. Our regular programming on Tuesdays will transition the velodrome and the research park on alternating weeks. These sessions will improve your drafting skills, cornering skills, and race tactics. To come to the velodrome sessions you will have had to complete an introduction to the track session with Amanda. If you missed out, there will be future sessions. There is no limitation for coming to the research park rides.