Because I only have enough willpower to write emails late at night ;)
Club Updates:
August 7 - Our Pigeon Lake Road Race has been postponed to August 7. Sign-up to volunteer here:
August 14 - For those interested in the L’Etape Edmonton (, ERTC has a discount code available. It is “ERTC20” We should have a pretty good showing so come join us as we show off how great ERTC is to everyone!
Ride Updates:
May 31 - Tuesdays are now officially alternating velodrome and research park nights, with tomorrow starting at the velodrome. Remember to bring pedals, tools to take them off with, helmet and gloves! You will need to have taken an introduction to track in order to attend. Linkie
June 26 - Gravel is a go! We will be hosting monthly gravel rides with the help of Good Goods ( the next one is June 26 and is going to be near Pigeon Lake.